Bug Reports

If you have problems, find bugs or have questions, you can create a “help” discussion thread HERE and provide as much info as possible, see below.

Please do NOT create issue tickets on GitHub yourself! — After investigating and confirming a bug, we will create an issue ticket if needed. Thanks!

Please provide the following files when reporting a bug:

  • Log files of server and plugins
  • Trace files of server and plugins

Step by step

  • Report only one issue at a time, if you have multiple problems, please create multiple issues.
  • Minimize the log files:
    • Enable logging and tracing in both the plugin and the server (see below).
    • Stop the server and the DAW
    • Wipe all AudioGridder log folders (server and plugins, see Diagnostics Locations).
    • Start the server.
    • Start the DAW.
    • Load only the minimal amount of plugins needed to run into the problem you have.
    • Take only the actions that lead to the problem you have.
  • Create a zip archive of the log folder(s)
  • If the files you want attach are too large for an issue on GitHub, please follow Submitting Large Files.

Note: If you report a new issue, please be as precise as possible. To identify the root cause of an issue, it is necessary to be able to reproduce it or at least get some conclusions from the info you provide.

Logging and Tracing

Logging and tracing can be enabled while AG is running or via configuration file. Both the plugins and the server have logging/tracing options in their respective settings.

To enable logging and tracing via configuration file, you have to add/enable the following options:

"Logger": true,
"Tracer": true

The configuration files can be found under the following locations: